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🧬 Nexus Labs

Nexus Labs aims to build an ecosystem driving successful student-powered research in AI.

Academic research is a great undertaking, particularly while balancing studies and extracurricular activities. Exploring artificial intelligence requires time, dedication, and collaboration – a team is the way to go.

Through learning by doing, students are provided a space to share, brainstorm, and be creative in their research. With clear project aims and progression steps, Nexus Labs is committed to following through.

Students are connected with tutors and experts who guide the research teams and provide mentorship. Each project is unique: the research approach is multi-pronged and the training provided specifically tailored.

Five core pillars are at the heart of the work done at Nexus Labs:

  • Neuroscience;
  • Natural Language Processing;
  • Sustainability;
  • Machine Vision and Robotics;
  • Responsible AI.